Applied Visualization and Analysis of multivariate Datasets

Wissenschaftliches Seminar (Begrenzt auf 20 Teilnehmer) / Scientifc Seminar (Limit of participants is 20)

Die Visualisierung und Analyse von komplexen Datens?tzen ist ein bedeutendes interdisziplin?res Feld das alle Forschungsrichtungen umfasst. Im Laufe der letzten 10 Jahre wurden eine gro?e Zahl an effektiven und eleganten Methoden entwickelt, welche bereits in praktische Anwendungen integriert sind, um komplexe Datenanalyseprobleme mit Hilfe von Visualisierungen zu l?sen. Zahlreiche Beispiele hierf?r lassen sich in der Str?mungsmechanik, Plasma- oder Astrophysik, sowie in der medizinische Operationsplanung und der Geologie finden.

In diesem Kurs werden wir, zusammen mit Euch - den Studenten -, eine ausgew?hlte Menge aktueller Verfahren aus der Information-Visualization (InfoVis) und der Scientific-Visualization (SciVis) diskutieren und auch praktisch anwenden. Dabei werdet ihr in Gruppen mit bis zu 4 Studenten zusammenarbeiten. Es steht Euch frei den Vortrag in Deutsch oder Englisch zu halten.


The Visualization and Analysis of complex datasets is an important interdisciplinary topic among all research disciplines. During the last decade a variety of effective and elegant methods have been developed, which are already integrated in practical application to solve complex data analysis problems with aid of visualizations in different practical applications, e.g., fluid mechanic, plasma and astrophysics, medical surgery planning or geology science.

In this course, we, together with you - the students -, will discuss and apply a small selection of current and influential approaches from different areas of scientific visualization (SciVis) and information visualization (InfoVis). You need to work within groups with up to 4 members and you can give the talk in German or English language.
Dirk J. Lehmann, Alexander Kuhn, Prof. Holger Theisel
Wednesday, 13:00 - 15:00 (c.t.) G29-335
wissenschaftliches Seminar
WPF CV;B 5-6
WPF IF;B 5-6
WPF IngINF;B 5-6

max. Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Kenntnisse in mindestens einer Programmiersprache erforderlich (z.B. C++ oder andere). Zudem sind solide Algebrakenntnisse von Vorteil / Knowledge in at least one programming language is desired, ideally C++, but other languages are also possible. Furthermore, comprehensive knowledge in algebra is required.
Benoteter Schein mit 3 CPs / Marked certificate with 3 CPs.
- Regelm??ige Teilnahme und aktive Mitarbeit
- Praktische Umsetzung einer ausgew?hlten Visualisierungs- / Analysetechnik
- M?ndliche Pr?sentation (in Deutsch oder Englisch) ?ber die gew?hlten Verfahren und erzielten Ergebnisse


- Compulsory attendance and active collaboration
- Practical realization of one selected Visualization / Analysis technique
- Oral topic presentation (in German or English) about the selected techniques and results (30 minutes)

Additional Information:
> Additional Information <


Date Description Lecturer
12.10.2011 Organisation,
Einf?hrung in InfoVis
Dirk J. Lehmann
Introduction to InfoVis
19.10.2011 Einf?hrung in SciVis Alexander Kuhn
Introduction to SciVis

List of Participants

Die Namen aller Teilnehmer werden nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung an dieser Stelle aufgef?hrt. Die Themenvergabe erfolgt innerhalb der ersten beiden Seminartermine. Die Registrierung f?r dieses Seminar stellt keine Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme dar, sondern dient lediglich der Organisation und als Orientierung f?r die zu erwartende Teilnehmerzahl.

As soon as we have recieved your registration, your name will appear on the list. The topics will be assigned after the first meetings. Note that, the online registration does not automatically mean compulsory attendance of this course. Instead, it will be used as an overview for us, on how students will participate.

Number Name Group Topic
1 Johannes Jendersie 2 Smoke Surfaces
2 Sascha Reichmann 3 Software Visualisierung
3 Jan Hanke 3 Software Visualisierung
4 Christoph L?mmerhirt 2 Smoke Surfaces
5 Christina Berndt 1 Illustrative Stromlinienvisualisierung
6 Martin Kirst 2 Smoke Surfaces
7 Laura Osten 2 Smoke Surfaces
8 Adrian Wehrmann 1 Illustrative Stromlinienvisualisierung
9 Robert Bertram 1 Illustrative Stromlinienvisualisierung
10 Florin Kaufmann 3 Software Visualisierung
Additional Material
List of all presentations given during the seminar as *.pdf files. In case you miss any additional material, please contact us.

Basic Vector Visualization Framework

For the implementing vector field visualization methods, we provide a small C++ based framework to start with. It contains basic classes for loading data samples, interpolation, integration and fundamental visualization using OpenGL (see “Introduction to Vector Field Visualization”).

The framework is available via SVN repository, that can be accessed using any standard svn tool (for example Tortoise SVN ). The framework can be compiled manually or under Windows using the accompanied .bat file to create a visual studio project (Cmake, Cross-Compiling).

To download the sources use the following check-out path:

  • Svn-URL:
  • Login: Dummystudent, applvis

Literatur: Multivariate Daten (SciVis)

[SV1] W. von Funck, T. Weinkauf, H. Theisel, and H.-P. Seidel,
Smoke Surfaces: An Interactive Flow Visualization Technique Inspired by Real-World Flow Experiments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Visualization), vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1396-1403, Nov. 2008

[SV2] F. Ferstl, K. Burger, H. Theisel, and R. Westermann,
Interactive Separating Streak Surfaces
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1569?1577, 2010

[SV3] T. Germer, M. Otto, R. Peikert and H. Theisel
Lagrangian Coherent Structures with Guaranteed Material Separation
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis), 2011

[SV4] D. J. Lehmann and H. Theisel
Discontinuities in Continuous Scatterplots
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Visualization), 2010

[SV5] J. Heinrich, S. Bachthaler and D. Weiskop
Progressive Splatting of Continuous Scatterplots and Parallel Coordinates
IEEE Symposium on Visualization 2011 (EuroVis 2011), Volume 30 (2011), Number 3, June 2011

[SV6] D. J. Lehmann and H. Theisel
Features in Continuous Parallel Coordinates
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Visualization), 2011

[SV7] T. Salzbrunn and G. Scheuermann
Streamline Predicates
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 12, pp. 1601-1612, 2006

[SV8] P. Dobrev, T. Van Long and L. Linsen
A Cluster Hierarchy-based Volume Rendering Approach for Interactive Visual Exploration of Multi-variate Volume Data
Proc. of Vision, Modeling and Visualization Workshop (VMV), Oct. 2011

[SV9] C.-K. Chen, S. Yan, H. Yu, N. Max, and K.-L. Ma
An Illustrative Visualization Framework for 3D Vector Fields
Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2011, Sept. 2011

[SV10] A. Kratz, N. Kettlitz, I. Hotz
Particle-Based Anisotropic Sampling for Two-Dimensional Tensor Field Visualization
Proc. of Vision, Modeling and Visualization Workshop (VMV), Oct. 2011

[SV11] A. Kuhn, D. J. Lehmann, R. Gasteiger, M. Neugebauer, B. Preim, H. Theisel
A Clustering-based Visualization Technique to Emphasize Meaningful Regions of Vector Fields
Proc. of Vision, Modeling and Visualization Workshop (VMV), Oct. 2011

Literatur: Hochdimensionale Daten (InfoVis)

[IV1] D. A. Keim.
Designing pixel-oriented visualization techniques: Theory and applications
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000

[IV2] G. Albuquerque, M. Eisemann, D. J. Lehmann, H. Theisel, M. Magnor,
Improving the Visual Analysis of High-dimensional Datasets Using Quality Measures
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2010

[IV3] G. Albuquerque, M. Eisemann, D. J. Lehmann, H. Theisel, M. Magnor,
Quality-Based Visualization Matrices
Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV), 2009

[IV4] G.Albuquerque, T. L?we, M. Magnor,Synthetic
Generation of High-dimensional Datasets
Proc. IEEE InfoVis, 2011

[IV5] J?rgen Waser, Raphael Fuchs, Hrvoje Ribicic, Benjamin Schindler, G?nther Bl?schl, and M. Eduard Gr?ller,
World Lines
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics(16(6)),2010

[IV6] Mike Sips, Boris Neubert, John P. Lewis, Pat Hanrahan:
Selecting good views of high-dimensional data using class consistency
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis 2009), 2009

[IV7] P. Hoffman, G. Grinstein, K. Marx, I. Grosse, E. Stanley.
DNA visual and analytic data mining
In Proceedings of the 8th conference on Visualization, 1997

[IV8] B. Shneiderman
Treemaps for spaceconstrained visualization of hierarchies
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Jan. 1992