In recent years large amounts of data about the city is digitally collected. This data from sources such as mobile phones, sensors, and location-based services can be visualized to reflect urban activity. Geovisualization stimulates the visual analysis of spatial patterns, relationships, and trends, as well as enables interactive exploration and understanding of spatio-temporal data. Usable and approachable visualizations allow casual users and experts alike to make sense of the massive streams of data, to see the city in different perspectives, and to understand their environment. I will talk about the challenges in urban data visualization in regard to user experience and interaction design, as well as showcase multiple projects that demonstrate current approaches to and new thinkings about urban data.
Till Nagel is a professor for visual analytics at University of Applied Sciences Mannheim. Previously, he was a guest professor at Burg Giebichenstein University of Arts and Design Halle. Before that, Till was a postdoc at the FHP Urban Complexity Lab. He has a background in media and computer science, and pursued his PhD at the Human Computer Interaction group at KU Leuven. He is a research affiliate with the MIT Senseable City Lab, and the KUL Data Visualization Lab. Since 2006 he is a lecturer in creative coding and data visualization, and taught courses at several international universities. His work has been exhibited at Venice Biennale of Architecture, Shanghai Design Exhibition, IEEE VISAP, and featured in The Guardian, Süddeutsche Zeitung, The Atlantic Cities, and many more.
Designing Urban Data Visualizations for Larger Audience Groups
Prof. Dr. Till Nagel, Hochschule Mannheim
Fr. 10.11.2017, 13:00 c.t., G29-335