Absage mündliche Prüfungen

13.03. bis 20.04.2020

Wegen des Corona-Virus sind alle Prüfungen an der OVGU bis 20.04.2020
ausgesetzt. Dies betrifft auch die noch ausstehende mündlichen Prüfungen
CAGD. Dieser werden auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben.

Sobald mehr Klarheit herrscht, werden wir neue Termine ausmachen.

Studierende, für die dies ein Härtefall darstellt, melden sich bitte per eMail bei Prof.

Date Information
03-02-2019 Uploaded final point overview
27-01-2020 Uploaded slides Surface Interrogation and Subdivision Surfaces
22-01-2020 Uploaded sheet for Exercise 7
22-01-2019 Uploaded new point overview
20-01-2019 Uploaded slides Triangular Surfaces
15-01-2019 Uploaded new Point Overview and solution for Exercise 6.5 – C3-continuity
08-01-2019 Uploaded sheet for Exercise 6 and new point overview
16-12-2019 Uploaded slides Tensor Product Surfaces
11-12-2019 Uploaded sheet for Exercise 5
02-12-2019 Uploaded slides Further Schemes and Parametric Surfaces
27-11-2019 Uploaded sheet for Exercise 4
25-11-2019 Uploaded slides Rational Curves and Conic Sections
18-11-2019 Uploaded slides Polarforms
13-11-2019 Uploaded sheet for Exercise 3
11-11-2019 Uploaded slides B-Spline
04-11-2019 Uploaded slides Proof Cubic C2 Splines Minimize Bending Energy
30-10-2019 Uploaded slides Bezier Spline and sheet for Exercise 2
16-10-2019 Uploaded slides DeCasteljau and Bernstein and sheet for Exercise 1
15-10-2019 Uploaded fixed slides Introduction and Parametric Curves
14-10-2019 Uploaded slides Introduction and Parametric Curves
Computer Aided Geometric Design
In diverse applications (automotive industry, shipbuilding, design) freely deformable surfaces need to be designed in CAD environments and processed automatically. The underlying mathematical theory and practical aspects are summarized by the term CAGD (Computer-Aided-Geometric-Design). This lecture presents the most important approaches of modeling curves and surfaces. Geometric properties of these techniques will be discussed along with the practical experiences regarding the design of curves and surfaces.
Prof. Holger Theisel, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Wilde
German Lecture (Theisel, Wilde):
Monday, 13:00 - 15:00, G29-335
Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00, G29-335
Vorlesung/Übung, 4SWS, ECTS-Credis: 5

WPF CV;B 4-6
WPF IF;B 3-6
WPF IngIF;B 4-6
IntDesEng;M 2-3
Basis knowledge in computer graphics, linear algebra.
Oral exam.
Correct solution of 2/3 of the assignments.
Correct solution of 2/3 of the assignments and oral exam.
Additional Information:
> Additional Information <


  • Differential geometry of curves and surfaces
  • Bezier curves
  • Bezier spline curves
  • B-Spline curves
  • Rational curves
  • Polar forms
  • Tensorproduct Bezier- and B-Spline surfaces
  • Bezier surfaces on triangles
  • Surface interrogation and fairing
  • Subdivision curves and surfaces

Recommended reading:

  • G. Farin. Curves and Surfaces for Computer-Aided-Geometric-Design. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. Fourth edition.
  • G. Farin and D. Hansford. The Essentials of CAGD. AK Peters, 2000.
  • J. Hoschek and D. Lasser. Grundlagen der Geometrischen Datenverarbeitung. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1989. (English translation: Fundamentals of Computer-Aided-Geometric-Design, AK Peters.)
  • G. Farin. NURB Curves and Surfaces. AK Peters, Wellesley, 1995.
  • H.-P. Seidel. An Introduction to Polar Forms. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 13, 1, 1993
Lecture Slides
Additional Material