Flow Visualization (FlowVis)
Flow data appears in a variety of applications such as simulation and computation of flow around cars, planes and ships, atmospheric flow for weather forecast, studying flow in bottling / filling devices and dynamical systems.

There are different aims such as perceiving and understanding physical phenomena, modeling of flow processes, optimization in technical design and search for potential damage reasons.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Theisel, B. Sc. Timm Erxleben
Lecture: Tuesday, 13:00-15:00, G29-336
First lecture: 09.04.2024

Exercises: Monday, 13:00-15:00, G29-K059
First exercise: 22.04.2024

WPF IF, M 1 - 2
WPF INGIF, M 1 - 2
WPF CV, M 1 - 2
WPF WIF, M 1 - 2
WPF DigiEngi, M 1 - 3
WPF DKEM, M 1 - 3
WPF INGIF, M 1 - 2
Oral exam
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