Winter term 2011-2012

Einf?hrung in die Informatik
Additional Information can be found on the official lecture website ...
Computer Aided Geometric Design
In diverse applications (automotive industry, shipbuilding, design) freely deformable surfaces need to be designed in CAD environments and processed automatically The underlying mathematical theory and practical aspects are summarized by the term CAGD (Computer-Aided-Geometric-Design) This lecture presents the most important approaches of modeling curves and surfaces...
Ausgew?hlte Algorithmen in der Computergraphik
The course covers certain fundamental and advanced methods which provide the basis of various applications in computer graphics and geometry processing Focus is on practical application of (numerical) algorithms including efficient implementation in C/C++ and Matlab Topics (preliminary) * review of linear algebra * discrete data interpolation and approximation * discretization of PDE/ODE * clustering algortihms * mathematics of rotations, shape registration * introduction to level sets ...
Applied Visualization and Analysis of multivariate Datasets
Wissenschaftliches Seminar (Begrenzt auf 20 Teilnehmer) / Scientifc Seminar (Limit of participants is 20) Die Visualisierung und Analyse von komplexen Datens?tzen ist ein bedeutendes interdisziplin?res Feld das alle Forschungsrichtungen umfasst Im Laufe der letzten 10 Jahre wurden eine gro?e Zahl an effektiven und eleganten Methoden entwickelt, welche bereits in praktische Anwendungen integriert sind, um komplexe Datenanalyseprobleme mit Hilfe von Visualisierungen zu l?sen Zahlreiche Beispiele hierf?r lassen sich in der Str?mungsmechanik, Plasma- oder Astrophysik, sowie in der medizinische Operationsplanung und der Geologie finden...
Hot Topics in Computer Graphics
During the last decades, computer graphics has become a widespread and sophisticated branch of computer science due to constant and high-quality research In this seminar we will discuss up-to-date and seminal works which advance the state-of-the-art of the field of computer graphics The topics are selected to be of scientific importance and at the same time to be comprehensible and understandable with basic knowledge of computer science and computer graphics...
Kennung: Teaching WS2011/2012